The areas included in this section are Government Agencies, the National Curriculum, issues concerning Early Years (foundation stage) looking at learning goals and early years associations, Local Education Authorities, Trades Union and Professional Associations.
Art and Design NC - The National Curriculum for Art.
Citizenship NC - The National Curriculum for Citizenship.
Design and Technology NC - The National Curriculum for Design and Technology.
Digger and the Gang - Interactive activities that help to guide you through the National Curriculum.
English NC - The National Curriculum for English.
Geography NC - The National Curriculum for Geography.
History NC - The National Curriculum for History..
Information & Communication Technology NC - The National Curriculum for ICT.
Mathematics NC - The National Curriculum for Mathematics.
Modern Foreign Languages NC - The National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages.
Music NC - The National Curriculum for Music.
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment - The Curriculum for Northern Ireland.
Physical Education NC - The National Curriculum for Physical Education.
PSHE NC - The National Curriculum for PSHE.
QCA - Qualifications and Curriculum Authority web site.
RE NC - The National Curriculum for RE.
Science NC - The National Curriculum for Science.