Amphibians - Online information about amphibians
Birds - Online information about birds
Classifying Living Things I - Learn how to group living things into plants and animals
Classifying Living Things II - A bit of the old interactivity - another activity that'll help you classify living things into plants and animals.
Classifying Living Things III - Learn how to group animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
Fish - Online information about fish
Food Chain - Classification - BBC factsheet on animal classification.
Food Chain - Classification - Interactive information about food chains.
Invertebrates - Online information about invertebrates or animals without backbones
Keys and branching databases - Online activities about keys and branching databases
Living I - A short description of the characteristics of all living things
Living II - An interactive comprehension test on the seven characterisitcs of human life.
Mammals - Online information about mammals
Odd one out - Find the odd one out to classify living and non living
Reptiles - Online information about reptiles
Variation in living things - Interactive activity about variation
What am I? - A quiz based on the classification of vertebrates