@school helps me with my homework.

Wednesday 12th March 2025

@school helps me with my homework.

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Use the box above to search the whole @school web site for specific information using keywords.

The type of keywords that you would type in are 'Romans', 'literacy','Spanish Armada', ' graphs', 'frogs', etc.

Keywords can be combined to give more specific searches, a space or a plus (+) between words is treated as AND. e.g. 'Roman soldier' will find references to these categories combined; 'Roman+soldier' will do the same.

A comma (,) between keywords is treated as OR. e.g. 'Roman,soldier' will find all references to 'Roman' and separate references to 'soldier'.

A minus (-) between words excludes references to the word following the minus. e.g. 'Roman-soldier will find all references to 'Roman' except those which include information on 'soldiers'. Minus (-) plus (+) comma (,) or space can be combined to give very accurate searches e.g. 'Roman+soldier-Britain' will find all references to Roman soldiers' except those referring to 'Britain'.

Up to 3 keywords will be accepted.

If you have any trouble finding something then please contact us.

If you can't find what you're looking for on @school, try searching the web by clicking on the Ask Jeeves button: