Within the Key Stage 2 curriculum children are encouraged and given the opportunity to study other subjects like Foreign Languages such as French, Spanish or German. The @school activities are in an interactive, online test, or printable format, bringing a different dynamic to the subject.
Animals in German - An interactive activity to learn animal names in German
At School in German - An interactive activity to learn school words in German
Basic Phrases in German - An interactive activity to learn basic phrases in German
Clothes in German - An interactive activity to learn the names of clothes in German
Colours in German - An interactive activity to learn colours in German
Days in German - An interactive activity to learn days of the week in German
Drinks in German - An interactive activity to learn the names of drinks in German
Flashcards – Animals - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Flashcards – Colours - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Flashcards – Days - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Flashcards – Numbers - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Flashcards – School Equipment - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Flashcards – Vehicles - Printable flash cards to help with learning German
Food in German - An interactive activity to learn the names of common foods in German
German Picture Dictionary - English –German picture dictionary with 1,359 illustrated dictionary entries!
German Picture Dictionary 2 - German –English picture dictionary with 1,359 illustrated dictionary entries!
German Theme Page - A Picture Dictionary, Information, Quizzes, and Printouts to Color
Hennings Haus - Interactive activities from Channel 4
Label the House in German - An interactive activity to learn the parts of a house in German
Months in German - An interactive activity to learn months of the year in German
More Opposites in German - An interactive activity to identify opposites in German
Numbers In German - An interactive activity to learn numbers in German.
Opposites in German - An interactive activity to identify opposites in German
Parts of the Body in German - An interactive activity to learn the parts of the body in German
People at Work in German - An interactive activity to identiy the names of people at work in German
People in German - An interactive activity to learn people in German
School Equipment in German - An interactive activity to learn school equipment names in German
Shapes in German - An interactive activity to learn shape names in German
The Family in German - An interactive activity to learn members of the family in German
The Rooms in German - An interactive activity to learn the names of rooms in German
The Town in German - An interactive activity to learn the names of buildings in the town in German
Vehicles in German - An interactive activity to learn vehicle names in German
Voyage Kids - A website to help connect German and British kids
Weather in German - An interactive activity to learn weather words in German
Wie spät ist es? (What time is it?) - An interactive activity to learn the time in German