Within the Citizenship area KS1 level children are encouraged to think about healthy food, rules, money, being charitable, looking after pets, the environment and other common real-life responsibilities.
The Health & Safety area teaches Key Stage 1 children about electrical safety, fire safety, road safety, safety around the home, the importance of personal hygiene and the dangers of smoking.
The Relationships area includes information on friendships, bullying, emotions, feelings, making decisions, likes & dislikes, manners and other relationship-related issues relevant to children of Key Stage 1 age.
The resources and activities in the KS1 Physical, Social, Health & Emotional section are in an interactive, online, or printable format that brings a differing dynamic to the subject for children studying at Key Stage 1.
Bullying - Help and advice for children who are having a hard time at school. Information on how to stay safe.
CYKE - Cyber Knowledge Emotion is a web site about improving the emotional and physical health of children. Great interactive activities.
Emotions - Interacive activity about spotting emotions.
Feelings - Interactive activity to select how you would feel
Good Manners - Interactive activity about good manners
It’s not Fair - Interactive activity to decide if acts are fair or unfair
Magic Winks - Information about a circle game.
Making Choices - Learn all about making choices and the consequences
Me and My Best Friend - Printable worksheets to find similarities and differences between you and your friend
My Goals - Interactive activity to select what you are good at and what you could improve
People who help us - Printable activity to dress up people who help us.
The Dog and His Reflection Fable - Online activity about the moral of the story.
The Fox without a Tail Fable - Online activity about the moral of the story.
Things I Dislike - Interactive activity to decide the things you dislike
Things I Like - Interactive activity to decide the things you like