This part of the @school site is for children to have fun. You will find various online and interactive games for children to play including Arcade games, Action games, Adventure games, Board games, Card games, Sport games, puzzles, word puzzles, and other gaming sites.
Breeds of Dogs - Printable dog breed wordsearch
Cars - Printable word search to find the cars
Disney Characters - Printable wordsearch to find the Disney characters
Farm - Printable word search to find the sports
Football Teams - Printable word search to find the football teams
Fruit - Printable wordsearch to find the fruit
Harry Potter - Printable word search to find Harry Potter words
Pets - Printable word search to find the pets
Seaside - Printable word search to find the seaside words
Sports - Printable word search to find the sports
Vegetables - Printable word search to find the vegetables