@school Co-operative Tower
Classroom Keystage 2-PSHE - Parachute Activities - More Parachute Activities

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Parachute Activities

Co-operative Tower

The leader will need to plan this game in advance.

When choosing objects for the game, remember not to choose anything too heavy or with sharp edges that may fall and hurt the players.

The objects will be of varying size and shape, e.g. cardboard box, empty plastic drink bottle, sheet of newspaper, cardboard tubing, large ball, etc.

If you have a large group, work in pairs, otherwise each player is given an object. The players stand with their objects at the outer edge of the parachute.

The idea is to build a tower in the centre of the parachute by taking it in turns to place the objects on the tower.

The players cooperate to decide who will place the first object. When that first player has returned to the edge, they decide who will go next, and so on.

If there is a need for adjustment to the tower to stop it falling, a player at the centre can call for one who has already placed his object, to come back and make a correction.

There may be any number of players at the centre. It will need team work and cooperation and listening to each other to complete the tower.

If the tower falls, everyone collects their object again and the game begins again.

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