@school Names in the Group
Classroom Keystage 2-PSHE - Parachute Activities - Other Parachute Activities

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Parachute Activities

Names in the Group

One player sits on the centre hole of the parachute.

All the other players sit round the edge of the parachute.

One player sitting round the edge holds a ball.

The leader choose a topic like: birds, trees, games, animals, sweets, pets, countries, towns and so on.

The player in the centre has to list as many things in the named group as they can in the time it takes the rest of the players to pass the ball right round the parachute and back to the player who held it at first.

One person is chosen to count the items named by the person in the centre and announces the score, checking that items given were actually in the named group.

It might be easier if more than one person was in the centre of the parachute and they help each other out.

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