@school Farm Animals
Classroom Keystage 2-PSHE - Parachute Activities - Less Active Parachute Games

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Parachute Activities

Farm Animals

Every child is given an animal name ramdomly or they can pick an animal out of a bag that is written on a piece of paper.

For every animal three players will have the same animal name.

The children are not allowed to reveal their animal.

The parachute is laid flat on the ground and the children walk around the outer edge of the parachute making the noise of their animal.

The idea of the game is for the different groups of animals to find each other and once found sit on the parachute (the farmyard).

Children can walk onto the edge of the parachute if they wish to but they must stand still making their aniaml's sound. They cannot move until they are back off the parachute and walking around the circle.

The game continues until each group is found and they are sitting together on the parachute.

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