@school Spelling dge Words
Classroom Keystage 2-English - Literacy - Word Level - Word Recognition - Spelling

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Spelling dge Words

The letter d usually comes before ge when it follows a short vowel. Here are some examples:

cage - a has a long vowel sound so it has no d
cadge has a short vowel sound so it has a d

All the words below contain short vowel sounds.

Can you correctly match the words to the clues below?

Clue 1:This word contains a short e vowel sound.
Clue 2:You might find this word in your garden.

Clue 1: This word contains a short u vowel sound.
Clue 2: You can eat this delicious word.

Clue 1:This word contains a short e vowel sound.
Clue 2: You could stand things on this shelf-like word.

Clue 1:This word contains a short u vowel sound
Clue 2:You might use this word to get someone's attention.

Clue 1: This word contains a short i vowel sound.
Clue 2: This word is a structure that connects two separate things.

Clue 1: This word contains a short o vowel sound.
Clue 2:This word might stay in your spare room for a while.

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