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Saturday 23rd November 2024
This activity allows children to interrogate a picture graph about favourite snacks.
Sweets and Snacks Graph.
2. How many children liked crisps the best? 3142----------------------------
3. How many children were asked about their favourite and snacks? 191814----------------------------
4. Which was the least popular snack? crispschocolate bunniesice cream----------------------------
5. How many more children liked pop corn than ice cream? 4231----------------------------
6. How many more children liked ice cream than crisps? 3246----------------------------
7. How many children liked chocolate bars best? 2341----------------------------
8. How many children liked pop corn and ice cream altogether? 911108----------------------------
9. What is the difference between the pop corn and crisps? 3542----------------------------
10. Did more people like ice cream or chocolate bunnies? ice creamchocolate bunnies----------------------------
Number of Attempts :
Score :