@school Buying Toys
Classroom Keystage 2-Maths - Solving Problems - Problem Solving Using Money

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Buying Toys

Look at the following toys and say how much change you would receive if you bought each one.

£2.45          £1.55
Pay £3.00        Pay £2.00
Change  [, £0.45, £1.10, £0.55, £0.25, £0.35, £0.85, ]          Change  [, £0.45, £0.23, £0.25, £0.65, £0.55, £1.05, ]

£3.89          £5.23
Pay £4.00        Pay £6.00
Change  [, £0.21, £0.45, £0.51, £0.23, £0.11, £0.62, £0.04, ]          Change  [, £0.26, £0.67, £0.87, £0.77, £0.98, £0.33, £0.21, ]

£4.67          £3.78
Pay £5.00        Pay £4.00
Change  [, £0.35, £0.33, £0.39, £0.59, £0.13, £0.46, £1.01, £0.19, ]          Change  [, £0.34, £0.25, £0.56, £0.22, £0.12, £0.03, £0.84, ]


Pay £8.00
Change  [, £2.56, £1.67, £0.33, £1.35, £1.33, £2.39, ]

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