Roman Numerals
Classroom Keystage 2-History - British History - Romans - Everyday Life |
The Romans used different number symbols from those we use today. The basic symbols are: Work out what these Roman Numerals are. VII [, 12, 16, 7, 21, 13, ] XXI [, 31, 34, 21, 11, 41, ] LXIV [, 68, 54, 28, 64, 56, ] XXXIX [, 45, 66, 21, 39, 18, ] XLII [, 56, 42, 52, 101, ] DCCCXXXV [, 907, 343, 835, 123, ] CDVIII [, 340, 408, 243, 34, ] LXIX [, 78, 120, 69, 34, 102, ] LXXXVII [, 97, 87, 107, 127, 327, ] CMLI